Priorities and initiatives
Continuous improvement remains a vital part of our academic culture here at VCU, as we strive to provide unique, distinctive and meaningful experiences for our students.
Strategic priorities and initiatives, therefore, help us to remain intentional and united in our efforts, as we continue to work towards the success of our students.
Provost's priorities
- General education
- Online
- Inclusive teaching
Student success
- Enrollment
- Retention/graduation
- Course redesign
- Advising
- Early alert
- Major maps
- Recruitment/retention
- Development
- Quest 2028 strategic plan
- Funding model
Key initiatives
Some of our current university-level initiatives include:
"Student success is not the responsibility of one person, one office or one academic unit. Student success is everyone's priority at VCU." - Fotis Sotiropoulos
Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs